Sunday 10 June 2012

If a picture is worth a thousand words, how much for a video? Or two?

Finally found time to make some videos of iFlyBMS.  Unfortunately, it is 01.30am now and I know I will be hurting at work later on :(

Anyway, here are my videos.  The first one shows iFlyBMS getting in sync with the PC and loading up images, button, switches, etc.  It also shows the general layout of the program with a few new things I've not been able to screenshot before.

The second video shows the ICP page of iFlyBMS working in Falcon BMS and also gives a quick view of my pit setup.

I do apologize for the blurry video quality; the pocket camera is a 4-year old one and is not particularly good at close-up shots.  Still, I hope the videos gives enough information to be useful.

As always, comments and suggestions welcome.

For those who have expressed interest in testing, expect an email before the weekend comes, so I hope you guys have fun testing and playing with it on the weekend.


Tuesday 5 June 2012

The time has come....

Okay, I think I am happy with the current state of iFlyBMS.  Now to wrap this up, do the documentation, and have a trial release of the program.

I have asked on the BMS forums for testers and have gotten two replies.  If anyone else is interested in testing the installation process and actual use of the program, post your intent over at the BMS forums.
